Future Event Horse League Qualifier II
Codd enjoys Hercules Victory “That stile is a pain in the neck!” said commentator and host Chris Ryan echoing, in more moderate language, the thoughts of most riders on Wednesday […]
USPC Eventing Grand Prix Trip 2009 – Scarteen Visit

In August 2009, the United States Pony Club gave Preliminary riders from across the USA the chance to win a trip to Ireland that would take in the historical and […]
Future Event Horse League Qualifier I
Stars shine through the rain All the professionals turned up for the first of the FEHL Qualifiers at Chris and Sue Ryan’s popular Scarteen venue last week. True to form […]
Scarteen Short Format Event
A fine day and a challenging but fair track met those who made the journey to Scarteen for what was billed as the perfect warm-up for the upcoming Pony Club […]