A selection of videos from the Scarteen archives.

Highlights from the opening Qualifier of the 2013 Future Event Horse League.

Emma and Monatrea Q in action at the Failte Ireland Dublin Horse Show 2011

SBT Prospector (Bee Gee), Winner of the RDS 4 Year Old Young Event Horse Class 2010 with Camilla Kear on board.

Emma and Japica in action in the RDS Connemara Performance Hunter Championship at the Failte Ireland Dublin Horse Show

In August 2009, the United States Pony Club gave Preliminary riders from across the USA the chance to win a trip to Ireland that would take in the historical and cultural sites as well as give members a chance to explore and discover what goes into taking an Irish horse from grass roots to Olympic level. As part of their trip, they visited Scarteen House where Chris Ryan brought them on an adventure around the banks and ditches of the farm.

Trailer for The Last Hunt - a feature film based on Thady Ryan's final season with the Scarteen Foxhounds.